Friday, May 29, 2009

Why can't any day be normal?

I had my day planned. It never happens that way. I should know better. Our phone is out...again. At least once a month our phone doesn't work. I really wish they would just fix it for good. I had some phone calls that I needed to make this morning and matters to attend to. Things that HAD to be done today. I have no phone. My cell phone doesn't work at the house. Ugh. So I decided to go to mom and dad's and make my calls along the way and put in some badly needed internet time to catch up and download email. At least I got something done today.

I went out to get the mail today and there was an ant's nest in the mailbox. Thousands of ants, literally overnight. I couldn't believe it. As much as we are trying to go green and not use chemicals - I figured on the mailbox I could. Now there are no more ants.

Zeus (puppy) is really testing me. This morning he is laying down and I hear scrapping. I get up to look and he is chewing on a door frame. This is something that I have not had to correct yet. So I told him no and distracted him with something else. 3 minutes later I hear the same lovely sound. I come around the corner and he just lays there, looks at me, and keeps scrapping his teeth on it. GRRRRR!! This time he gets put in his kennel.

Socks the cat has figured out how to open the screen door to the deck. It's actually pretty funny. She doesn't like to go outside unless you are there with her, so she likes it on the deck where I guess she thinks she is still in the house. She opens the door, goes out on her chair, and she will stay there.

The girls are with their dad until tomorrow night. I miss them. I hate spending time away from them. Dave's kids come tonight for the weekend.

We have to finish taking down the barn this weekend. They are set to start construction on the property next week. 5 more loads...we can do it.

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